What Is Social Bookmarking - and how
can it benefit you?

"Add To Bookmarks" usually refers to adding a link to your web browser's bookmarks folder. This is the "old" way of managing your bookmarks.

Currently, when you see "Add To Bookmarks" it often refers to one of the many "social bookmarking" sites, where you, your friends, and people around the world save and share their favorite Web Sites & Pages, Photos, & Videos. Social bookmarking is the next (or current) big thing.

Join a bookmarking site if you haven't already - they are free. Then actually use it for a few weeks. Once you get started, you will soon see how useful it is!

It will save you time from visiting search engines looking for the web sites that you have visited before. Sharing your bookmarks with others means that you will find other people who are interested in the same topics as you are (their lists may include excellent web resources that you may not have found by using a search engine)!

How do you get started?  Easy!

Various "Bookmarking" sites "interface" with their users a bit differently, and specialize in slightly different things. Pick one or two of the sites in the list after reading their descriptions and possibly trying out Social Bookmarking on their site -- and then sign up for a couple for free!

add to Del.icio.us del.icio.us - was the first "original" Social Bookmarking site, so it has a lot of users and will probably be around for a long while. It is a large collection of "favorites." It is currently one of the most popular Social Bookmarking Sites.

Bookmark at Technorati Technorati - is a very popular site which searches their (and your) stored weblogs by keyword and for links. Also provides news from general news services and blogs.

add to Digg Digg - is a popular technology news website that combines social bookmarking, blogging, and RSS feeds.

add to Spurl Spurl - allows full text searching and storing of entire documents online + "recommendatins"

StumbleUpon StumbleUpon - Now a VERY popular multi-topics Social Bookmark Site that "learns" your Interests and presents you more on them as you "Thumb Up" items. Join over 5 million "Stumblers" and Discover great New "Thumbs Up" rated and commented on Sites, Photos, and Videos. (My current favorite Social Bookmark Site.)

Facebook Facebook is more about "Social Networking" than "Social Bookmarks," but is currently a VERY popular Social Utility/Network site that many Adults use to share some of their Favorite Sites, Photos, & Videos. To Gene"s Facebook Profile Page -- which also lists my most recent StumbleUpon Posts + other frequently updated Info.

Hover Button for Additional Social Bookmark Sites - Click to choose

  Once you pick the favorite one or two Sites you would like to try, it's simple and fast!

When you're set up, here's all you have to do:

Visit the page on this or any site that you want to "Social" bookmark. (For starters you can bookmark the Memorable-Beach-Vacations.com Home Page or other pages by going to that page and clicking on the new social bookmarking link in your browser toolbar or favorite links that you have just set up.)

-- OR -- On this Site - Use one of the many
"ADD TO SOCIAL BOOKMARKS" small "Link Boxes" with pre-set-up links you can simply click to add that page to your new Social Bookmarks Site list.

Not sure which keywords to use as the optional "tags" for your bookmarks for our US Beach Vacation Guide site?
  How about...

  • beaches
  • vacations
  • travel
  • ocean
  • getaways
  • fun

    -- and/or any others that you think would "fit" for that page.

And that's it!  You've got a new, handy "Social Bookmark!"

Don't want to try Social Bookmarking just yet?

Bookmark this site the traditional way instead! Memorable-Beach-Vacations.com will appear in your Favorites/Bookmarks folder...

Internet Explorer:  Hit <Ctrl> <d> on your keyboard - The link instantly gets added to your favorites - click on your "Favorites" link above on your IE browser and you will see it at the top of the list.

Firefox:  Hit <Ctrl> <d> on your keyboard and a pop-up window appears that lets you modify the name and/or save it to another favorites folder if you wish

- OR - Check out the RSS Feed Reader Choices -- No
e-mails needed to get new updates direct to your "My Yahoo" - My MSN - Google Personal Page - or many other RSS Feed Reader choices - see all at button below.

Click to see all RSS Feed Reader choices
Add RSS Feed -  Click to select from Feed Reader List

Check out our Site Mini-Blog - RSS Feed

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