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Ocean Landings Time Share Resort - Oceanfront Carribean & Dream Buildings - Cocoa Beach Florida 
Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental
- Our Site User Reviews of Florida Vacation Beach Rentals in Oceanfront Time Share Condos

Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental User Reviews
Also Includes Satellite Beach  &  Cape Canaveral areas

Raves, Rants, & User Reviews by Our Site Viewers

Reviews of Florida Vacation Condo Time Share Rentals,
Exchanges, + Owner Comments &
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 Resort User Reviews of:
Cape Canaveral, Satellite Beach, and
Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental Condos

The following is the Oceanfront Florida Beach Vacation Condo Rentals in time share resorts which are listed with Resort Condominiums International (RCI) or Interval International (II) Timeshare Exchange Companies. This is the Resort List our Site Viewers will be doing their Raves, Rants, and "Reviews" about.

Check Mark - Virginia discount travels TipsRemember that you do NOT have to be a timeshare owner to take advantage of these often VERY affordable vacation timeshare condo rentals! - They are usually unused Time Share Condo Week Rental Deals offered for rent through the Timeshare Resort by the owners.

New - Share your Beach Front Rental "Review" Share your own Florida Vacation Beach Rental, Exchange, or Owner Comments or "Review" below. You Might be a Winner in the Contest!

+ See the Vacation Resort "Raves and Rants" or "Reviews" Other Site Viewers have shared below.

Some of the Comments that have been written below and linked to here are from Timeshare Exchanges into the Resorts, and some are written by Timeshare Owners at the Resort.


Only Resorts which are right on the Ocean beach are listed below in our Cape Canaveral, Satellite Beach, and Cocoa Beach Florida vacation beach rentals list.

Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral, & Satellite Beach Resorts Listing

This is the RCI and II Resort List discussed in these "Reviews"

  • Las Olas Beach Club - Satellite Beach. Florida

  • Ocean Landings Resort & Racquet Club
     -    Cocoa Beach. Florida

  • Ron Jons Cape Caribe Resort - Cape Canaveral, FL

  • Discovery Beach Resort - Cocoa Beach, FL

  • Beach Island Resort - Cocoa Beach, Florida

  • The Resort on Cocoa Beach - Cocoa Beach FL

  • Oceanique - Just south of Satellite Beach, FL

  • Seagull Beach Club Resort - Cocoa Beach, FL

  • Las Olas Beach Club - Cocoa Beach - Florida

Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental, Exchange, or Timeshare Owner Resort User Raves, Rants, Reviews & Tips Check Mark - Virginia discount travels Tips

See links to already posted User Reviews from our Site Viewers below the entry box

Do You have a Vacation Timeshare Resort
Condo Rental or Exchange
"Rave," "Rant," or User Review?
-- or some Resort User Comments to Share

Share or Tell our Site Visitors about it below!
(Some of our Site Viewer's Resort Reviews are already
posted at the links below)

You might be a Winner in our Top Oceanfront Vacation Condo "Raves, Rants, and Reviews" Contest!
To Contest Rules (Opens new window)

You can also view the Vacation Resort Condo Reviews or "Raves and Rants" others have shared below

This page has the Listing of RCI and Interval International Oceanfront Resorts plus "Reviews" of some my Wife and I can vouch for, but I am sure there are many other interesting Vacation Condo Resort Rental, Exchange, and Owner experiences that could be listed above

Our Site Viewers user experiences and "Reviews" that could help other visitors to this Florida Vacation Beach Rentals page make a decision as to which Oceanfront Timeshare Resort to pick for their Vacation Rental or Exchange.

"Rave or Rant" -- or just share -- a little about your personal experiences with any of the RCI or II Resorts Listed above on the easy fill in form below so others can benefit from your experiences. What you type below plus the optional picture you send will be posted to a new page that essentially you created -- linked to from below and possibly other pages on this Site. See below for example

Please include the approximate date you were at the Resort. You can include your "Raves" about the Condo + comments on such things as: the View, the Furnishings, Maintenance, Resort Amenities, Beach, Staff, etc -- and the overall things about the Resort you enjoyed on your stay.

If you want, you can also include any "Rants" or comments about things you thought could have been done better at the Resort or by the Resort Staff. (If the commenta are extremely critical, we may need to offer the Resort the opportunity to respond in the comments to your "Review," so try to not go off the chart on this!)

It would also be fun and helpful for our Viewers if you would include your favorite attraction(s) or thing(s) you did while in the area. AND -- (for Gene and interested others) -- mention your favorite Waterfront Restaurant where you dined on your Florida Beach Vacation.
Include your "Star" Rating for the Resort out of a possible 5 stars for high.

Have fun recalling your Florida Beach Vacation Memories! You might even end up being a winner in our Contest and become "Famous" with our Beach Vacation Site's many Viewers. (Unless you prefer to go incognito - you can choose which when/if you win.) To Contest rules (Opens new window)

It is fine to comment on more than one of the Resorts above if you have stayed at more than one. Share your "Raves!" Send any
comments or questions here. (Sometimes it takes a bit for a reply -- especially if we're somewhere on a US Beach Vacation!)

Your Cocoa Beach Area Vacation Resort Condo Rental "Rave and/or Rant" -- Your User "Review"

Have you had a great Vacation experience at one of the Oceanfront Vacation Timeshare Resorts listed above? Share your Resort User and Experience with the Viewers of this page + maybe even your Area Tips!

You can also "Rant" if your Resort experience wasn't so great. Be gentle.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this Oceanfront Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental "Reviews" (+ Nearby Beaches Resorts) page...

Take a tour of the Ron Jon Cape Caribe Resort + Stay at Country Inn & Suites hotel 
Cocoa Beach is awesome! Before our cruise from Port Canaveral we took a timeshare tour of the Ron Jon Cape Caribe Resort and saved money on hotel stay …

Ocean Landings Oceanfront Condo at Cocoa Beach - Beautiful Beach Sunrises!  
My Wife and I Timeshare exchanged to an Oceanfront Condo at Ocean Landings in Cocoa Beach, FL a couple of years ago in late May. Great beach area! We spent …

Wakulla Suites - stay was anything but sweet!! Not rated yet
The moldy smell was overwhelming when we opened the door to the two bedroom suite. On the positive side, the suite was large, consisting of a living room, …

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Your Favorites!

Please send any comments on your Favorite Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental, Timeshare Exchange, or Owner User Experience. Our viewers are also interested in Cocoa Beach Attractions, and places of interest in Eastern Florida + Waterfront Restaurants - Possibilities Include:

  • Favorite area Oceanfront Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental Condos + area attractions and places of interest you found interesting or memorable.
  • Comments on great Florida vacation Beach area Timeshare Resort weeks (preferrably beach front) you may own, have exchanged to, or any favorite Cocoa / Satellite Beach rentals - especially Affordable Time Share Resort Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental deals you have foundf

  • Local Points of interest, Attractions, and Cocoa Beach or nearby area waterfront restaurant dining you have particularly enjoyed would also be of interest to all our "viewers."

  • Attached photos to go with the comments are always appreciated!!!!!

  • Send your Favorites or Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental Top Picks to us on our Comments Page -- or, better yet, just type your Info in on the blank form above. Thanks!

Please let us know if we can credit you with your First name and town, Full name and town, or other preference.

Thanks for checking us out! Bookmark us and come back soon to see what's new.  Gene

New - Share your Beach Front Rental "Review" Share your own Cocoa Beach Vacation Rental, Exchange, or Owner Review above. You Might be a Winner in the Contest!

+ See the Vacation Resort "Raves and Rants" or "Reviews" Other Site Viewers have shared above.

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Florida / Virginia Beach Time Shares Guide (+ All Time Shares) - WHY Timeshares? Do they REALLY save you Vacation Dollars?

Newer link on Virginia Beach Time Shares pg Resale Time Shares by Owner - How to purchase or Rent Resale Vacation Resort Time Shares at BIG discounts + How to find for By Owner Time Shares for sale + find Time Share Vacation Week Rentals

Why Florida Vacation Beaches? - Day Trip List with "Must See" List + Reviews, Tips and driving times from Cocoa Beach

St Augustine FL Condo Rental Resort Top Picks - Ocean front St Augustine Rental Condos Reviews + Time Share Rental & Exchange Tips

To Ocean Landings Resort - Cocoa Beach Rental Condos special Info and pictures page - More detailed Info on Ocean Landings Resort 
 Las Olas Beach Club Resort - Satellite Beach - Florida Beach Front Rentals Page - Rental and Timeshare Exchanging Review and Tips for Florida vacation beach rentals.

Newer link for Oregon Vacation Beaches Pg Waterfront Cocoa Beach FL Restaurant Top Picks - "Reviews, Pictures & Tips.

Florida Vacation Beaches Guide Books - Includes Orlando Atractions - Top Picks and suggestions

Florida Screensaver and Wallpaper Pictures - 8 x 10 Downloadable Pictures Page

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